2 cups all-purpose wheat flour
1 egg yolk
3/4 cup castor sugar
9 tbsp vegetable oil
pink food coloring

An 8"x8" baking pan, fragrant candle

1. Mix the flour and sugar in a mixing bowl. Add the egg yolk and gradually knead with the oil until a dough forms.

2. Roll the dough into small balls about 1.5 cm in diameter. Cut each ball into 4 wedges, and place each end of the three wedges together to form a flower. Cut the remaining wedge in half, roll it into a ball, and place it at the junction of the three wedges as the center of the flower. Score the center with a knife, and brush lightly with pink color or egg yolk to make a pistil. Arrange the flowers on a baking pan.

3. Bake in an oven at 300°F for 12 minutes or until the cookies are light gold. Remove from the oven, transfer the cookies to cool down on a rack. Smoke the cookies with a fragrant candle and store in an airtight container.

Tip: To smoke the cookies : place the cookies in a container. Put a "Ylang-Ylang Candle" in a small bowl and lit for a few seconds, then snuff out and place in the container with its contents left overnight.


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